Mother Earth
"Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees...
- Revelations 7:3
Her Mother Earth was such a strong force in her life, she deeply loved the beauty of nature which is evident in most every expression in her life. She was concerned with man's impact on the environment and believed that we can make a positive impact by simple actions like recycling and more basic steps like local and organic farming. She believed in the power of the 'outdoors' and could often be caught 'looking up' to the clouds to see the real beauty in the world.
Ensuring our strain on the world is minimized and we make the best use of the natural gifts that have will be the inspiration of projects such as:
> Support for natural resources like the Appalachian Trail,
> Local farming to support local needs,
> Incorporation of nature into urban settings,
> More active support for recycling